Help us achieve one million puppy photos and raise money for an animal charity.

The goal is to be able to raise money for charity, the challenge is to get one million puppy photos from all across the world.
We need your help and participation by sending in a photo of your puppy, it can be a photo of your puppy now or a photo of your dog when they were a puppy. You can take a new photo or send your favourite photo from your phone, we don't mind, it all helps to achieve the goal. 

Once we have reached the target of one million we will aim to get as many of the puppy photos into a book in mosaic form which will then go on sale to raise money for The Dogs Trust. An entire book full of puppy photos, what's not to like.

Sending us a photo is totally free, simply click on the "GET INVOLVED" button, fill in the form and click send, its that simple.  

get involved
Follow us on social media

Be sure to follow us on social media to get a chance to vote for the charity that will get money donated to, and for notifications on progress towards the goal.

Here are some of your latest puppy submissions

We get hundreds of puppy submissions every day, here are a few of our favourites